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Terms and Conditions

RUGIADA SRL with registered office in Via Nazionale, 251b - 00184 Roma, company registered with the C.C.I.A.A. Roma, REA no. RM466850 of the Companies Register, Tax ID 04878520586 and VAT Reg. no. 01318661004 (hereinafter, the “Data Controller”), owner of the website (hereinafter, the “Site”), in its capacity as Data Controller of the personal data of users who browse and who are registered with the Site (hereinafter, the “Users”) hereby provides the privacy policy pursuant to article 13 of the Italian Legislative Decree 196/2003 (hereinafter, the “Privacy Code”) and pursuant to article 13 of Regulation EU 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (hereinafter, the “Regulation”, the Regulation and the Privacy Code are together
referred to as the “Applicable Regulations”).

This Site and any services provided via the Site are reserved for individuals who have reached the age of eighteen. The Data Controller therefore does not collect any personal data relating to persons aged under 18. At the request of Users, the Data Controller will promptly delete all personal data collected involuntarily and relating to persons aged under 18. The Data Controller pays the utmost consideration to the right to privacy and protection of personal data of its Users. For any information in relation to this privacy policy, Users may contact the Data Controller at any time, using the following methods:
• By sending a registered letter with advice of receipt to the registered office of the Data Controller;

1. Purposes of the processing

The personal data of the Users will be legitimately processed by the Data Controller pursuant to article 6 of the
Regulation for the following purposes of processing:
a) navigation of the site, in relation to the possibility of collecting the User's data required for technical purposes, for example the IP address, while the user is visiting the site.
b) contractual obligations and provision of the service in case of on-line purchases, to implement the General Conditions of Sale, which are accepted by the User during registration on the Site and fulfil any specific requests of the User. The user's data collected by the Data Controller for the purposes of registration on the Site include:
Mandatory: E-mail, Password, First Name, Surname, Shipping Address, Postcode, City, Province, Country,
Optional: any of the user’s personal information that has been voluntarily published. Unless the User provides specific and optional consent to the Data Controller for the processing of their data for the further purposes provided for in the following paragraphs, the User's personal data will be used by the Data Controller for the exclusive purpose of ascertaining the identity of the User (also by validating the e-mail address), thus avoiding possible fraud or abuse, and to contact the User for service reasons only (e.g. sending notifications about the services offered on the Site). Without prejudice to the other provisions of this privacy policy, under no circumstances will the Data Controller make the personal data of the Users accessible to other Users and/or third parties.
c) administrative and accounting purposes, i.e. to carry out organisational, administrative, financial and accounting activities, such as internal organisational activities and activities functional to the fulfilment of contractual and pre-contractual obligations;
d) legal obligations, i.e. to comply with obligations imposed by law, an authority, a regulation or European legislation;
e) responding to contact requests from website visitors


The provision of personal data for the purposes of processing indicated above is optional but necessary, since failure to provide the same will make it impossible for the User to browse the sites, register with sites where required and take advantage of the services offered by the co-processors. With reference to the purposes referred to in points (1/a, 1/b 1/e), the legal basis of the processing is in fact the execution of the services provided through the Site and requested by you (pursuant to Article 6, paragraph 1, letter b of Privacy Regulation 2016/679); with reference to the optional purposes referred to in points (1/e, 1/f)
of the previous paragraph, the legal basis of the processing is your freely given consent (pursuant to Article 6, paragraph 1, letter of Privacy Regulation 2016/679); with reference to the purposes referred to in points (1/c and 1/d) of the previous paragraph, the legal basis of the processing is to comply with a legal obligation to which the data controller is subject (pursuant to Article 6, paragraph 1, letter c of Privacy Regulation 2016/679).


2. Further processing purposes: marketing and newsletters (sending of advertising material, direct sales and
commercial communication)

With the User's free and optional consent, some of the User's personal data (i.e. name, surname, email address, full shipping address, etc.) will be sent to the Customer.) may also be processed by the Data Controller for marketing and newsletter purposes (sending of advertising material, direct sales, commercial communication, sending of newsletters containing information and news relevant to the sector related to the activities of the Site); the Data Controller may therefore contact the User by mail, e-mail, telephone (fixed and/or mobile, with automated call systems or call communication with and/or without the intervention of an operator) and/or text messages to propose to the User the purchase of products and/or services offered by the Data Controller and/or third companies, submit offers, promotions and commercial opportunities. Failure to provide consent will not
affect the possibility of registering to the Site. Any consent provided may be revoked at any time by the User, by sending a request to the Data Controller in the manner indicated in paragraph 7 below. The User may also easily oppose any further sending of promotional communications and email newsletters by clicking on the appropriate link to revoke consent, which is present in each promotional email and newsletter. Once consent has been revoked, the Data Controller will send an e-mail to the User to confirm that consent has been revoked. If the User intends to revoke his/her consent to the sending of promotional communications by telephone, while continuing to receive promotional communications by e-mail, or vice versa, please send a
request to the Data Controller in the manner indicated in paragraph 7 below. The Data Controller informs that, having exercised the right to oppose the sending of promotional communications and email newsletters, it is possible that, for technical and operational reasons (e.g. formation of contact lists already completed shortly before receipt by the Data Controller of the opposition request) the User continues to receive some further promotional messages and newsletters. If the User continues to receive promotional messages and newsletters after 24 hours have passed since exercising of the right to oppose, please
report the problem to the Data Controller, using the contacts indicated in paragraph 6 below.


3. Additional processing purposes: profiling

With the free and optional consent of the User, the User's personal data (i.e. personal and contact data, and information relating to services in which the User has expressed an interest) may also be processed by the Data Controller for profiling purposes, or to reconstruct the User's consumption tastes and habits, identifying the consumer profile, in order to send the User commercial offers consistent with the profile identified. Failure to provide consent will not affect the possibility of registering to the Site. Please note that the data stored for Profiling or marketing purposes (the latter relating to the Newsletter service) will be kept for a period not exceeding 12 and 24 months respectively from their registration. Any consent provided may be revoked at any time by the User, by sending a request to the Data Controller in the manner indicated in paragraph 6 below.


4. Data processing methods and storage times

The Data Controller will process the personal data of the Users using manual and IT tools, with logics strictly related to the purposes and, in any case, in such a way as to ensure the security and confidentiality of the data. The personal data of the Site Users will be stored for the time strictly necessary to carry out the primary purposes described in paragraph 1 above, or in any case as necessary for the protection in civil law of the interests of both Users and the Data Controller. In the cases referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3 above, Users; personal data shall be stored for the time strictly necessary to carry out the purposes illustrated therein and, in any case, within the limits set out in Applicable Law. In any case, the "Opt-out" principle, which allows the person concerned to leave, will be respected.


5. Scope of data communication and disclosure

Employees and/or collaborators of the Data Controller in charge of managing the Site may have access to Users’ personal data. Such persons, who are formally appointed by the Data Controller as "persons in charge of the processing", will process the User's data exclusively for the purposes indicated in this notice and in compliance with the provisions of Applicable Law. Third parties who may process personal data on behalf of the Data Controller as “External Data Processors", including for example providers of IT and logistic services functional to the operations of the Website, providers of outsourced services or cloud computing, professionals and consultants, may also have access to the Users’  personal data. Users have the right to obtain a list of any data processors appointed by the Data Controller, by submitting a request to the Data Controller in the manner indicated in paragraph 7 below.


6.Rights of the parties concerned

Users may exercise the rights granted to them by Applicable Law by contacting the Data Controller in the
following manner:
• By sending a registered letter with advice of receipt to the registered office of the Data Controller Pursuant to Applicable Law, the Data Controller informs that Users have the right to obtain information on

(i) the origin of their personal data;

(ii) the purposes and methods of processing;

(iii) the logic applied in the event of processing carried out with the aid of electronic instruments;

(iv) the identification data of the Data Controller and Data Processors;

(v) the entities or categories of entity to whom or which the personal data may be communicated and who or which have access to said data in their capacity as data processors.
Moreover, Users have the right to obtain:
a) access to, updating, correction and/or, where so required the integration of their personal data;
b) the deletion, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed unlawfully, including data which need not be kept for the purposes for which the data was collected or subsequently processed;
c) certification that the operations which letters a) and b) has been brought to the attention, as also related to their contents, of those to whom the data was communicated or disseminated, except where such compliance is impossible or entails the use of means manifestly disproportionate to the protected right.
Moreover, Users have:
a) the right to withdraw consent at any time, where the processing is based on their consent;

b) the right to data portability (right to receive all personal data concerning them in a structured, commonly used and machine-
readable format), the right to limitation of the processing of personal data and the right to deletion ("right to be forgotten");

c) the right to object:
i) to the processing of their personal data wholly or partially for legitimate reasons even where this is pertinent to the purposes for which the data was collected;
ii) to the processing of their personal data wholly or partially for the purposes of sending advertising or direct sales materials or for the execution of market research or marketing surveys;
iii) where personal data are processed for the purposes of direct marketing, at any time, to the extent that their data are processed for such purposes, including profiling in so far as such processing is related to direct marketing.
d) if they consider that their processing is in breach of the Regulation, the right to lodge a complaint with a
supervisory authority (in the Member State in which they have their habitual residence, the Member State in
which they work or the Member State in which the alleged infringement occurred). The Italian Data Protection
Authority is located in Piazza di Monte Citorio 121, 00186 - Rome (


Cookie Policy

What are cookies?
Cookies are small text files that the sites visited by the user send and record on his/her PC or on any other device, even mobile, to be sent back to the original sites on the next visit.


Cookies are used for various purposes, for instance, to remember the user’s actions and preferences (such as, for instance, login data, selected language, font size, other display settings, etc.) so that they must not re-entered when the user returns to the same site or surfs from one of its pages to another; or to perform computer authentications, to monitor sessions and store information on the activities of user who access a site, and it can also contain a unique ID code that allows keeping track of the user’s surfing within the site for statistic or advertising purposes.


Cookies can be sent by or also by different sites (the so-called “third party” cookies).
Some operations cannot be carried out without using cookies that in some cases are technically necessary for the site to work.

Types of cookies found on the site and relevant functions


There are various types of cookies, according to their characteristics and functions:

Technical cookies, which are used for the sole purpose of sending a communication on an electronic
communication network, or in the measure strictly necessary to provide a service explicitly requested by the
user. In other words, these cookies are indispensable to make work, or necessary to
perform activities that you have requested. This type of cookie can be found in our site;

Navigation or session cookies, used to allow you to login in the reserved area of or to
make a purchase on our site. This type of cookie can be found in our site;

Analytics cookies, used to collect information, in an aggregate form, on the number of users of and of the displayed pages (for instance, Google AdWords, Google Analytics and Mailchimp). Please, refer to the relevant policies that can change from time to time and that we recommend consulting every now and then, where you will find more detailed information:;;


This type of cookie can be found in our site;

Function cookies, which allow you to surf at your best, according to already selected criteria and options (such as, for instance, your preferred language) so that you won’t have to select such option or the products you have chosen at every access, and they can be stored in the virtual trolley until your next visit to our site.


This type of cookie can be found in our site;

cookies of third parties, used by partners of, in order to display advertising banners of when you are on other sites, showing you the latest products that you have looked at on While you browse on, these cookies are used also to show you products that you might like or similar to those you have previously browsed, based on your previous navigation chronology. The use of these cookies does not imply personal data treatment, but it can enable your computer or other devices to connect and track down saved data: these cookies connect to the browser installed on your computer or on other devices used while browsing on;


profiling cookies, used to create user profiles in order to send advertising messages consistent with the
preferences shown by the user during his/her navigation. Our site contains third party cookies that access user
data only at aggregate level. Please, find here below the links to the privacy policies and relevant consent forms
of such third parties, which can change from time to time and that we recommend consulting every now and
then, where you will find more detailed information:;; .;


All the above-described types of cookies can stay in your computer or mobile device for different times, according to their function. The cookies stored in your computer or mobile device cannot be used to recall any of the data stored in your
hard disk, transmit viruses, identify and use your e-mail address, or for purposes other than those described above.

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